Making Magnificent Men

There are 46 million young people, aged 8 – 18, living in America. Over 30% of these young people will grow up without a mentor. That’s one out of every three young people who, outside of their family at home, don’t have a trusted adult who they believe they can turn to for advice and guidance. 9 million youth face day-to-day challenges that put them at-risk for falling off track or down the wrong path. This highlights the importance of mentorship and its effects on the individual, and also on the community they reside in.

Mighty Men of Valor was founded to impact the lives of young men living in the Talladega community. Their mission and vision are to teach men the principles of God’s word concerning manhood how to be a godly man, husband, and father.

Talladega Insurance  Agency values the ardent zeal that Mighty Men of Valor has shown our young neighbors and will continue to support them in achieving their mission. Mentors of Might Men of Valor seek to work with individuals who are secretly struggling. Through mentors and volunteers’ combined efforts, these men learn to treat others with the same respect they’d want to receive.

Be part of something special, and learn how YOU can make a difference in your community. Together, we can ensure these young men acquire the tools to develop the confidence they need to become confident men and leaders.

We are committed to raising awareness in our community and giving our customers, partners, and anybody else that cares the ability to make an impact themselves. We will donate $10 on your behalf to our current Community Cause campaign for every person you recommend to us.
